My Period Rituals - 10 tips to help you have a more pleasurable period

10 tips to help you have a more pleasurable period

Reading Time: 12 minutes

For many of us, periods have previously been, or perhaps still are, something to be ashamed of, something ‘dirty’, something ‘taboo’, a mere inconvenience.  

On the other hand, for those of us who have journeyed into the depths of our womb and reclaimed the power that comes with connecting to our cycle, we have experienced the empowerment and liberation that leading a cyclical life has to offer. Periods are now a time of tenderness, pleasure, bliss, magic. 

Now I invite you, too, to make your period a time to look forward to by creating rituals that get you excited for your bleed…whether it’s taking a day off of work (if you have the luxury, of course), booking yourself a relaxing massage or simply slowing down during your bleed; building intentional and nourishing rituals around your bleed can help to shift the way you relate to it. In doing so, we can CHOOSE a more empowering relationship with our cycle…one in which we are informed, connected with and attuned to. 

If this is all new to you, just know that it hasn’t always been this way for me either. There was once a time where I was uninformed; a time where I would see my bleed as a mere inconvenience. When my bleed would arrive, I would just stick a tampon in and carry on about my business. As I delved deeper into my relationship with my body, my curiosity about my period began to grow…and so I listened to that call and tended to my desire to learn more about my cycle and my bleed. I began to track my cycle and integrate practices that nourished me during the various phases of my cycle. 

In experiencing the benefits of learning to live a more cyclical life, I feel passionately about having the conversation and normalising menstruation. We all have to start somewhere, and I hope that this article may, in the very least, inspire to you start the journey of living a more cyclical life, or act as a reminder to deepen that connection with your cycle. Or, alternatively, if you are reading this and you don’t have a period, I hope that these insights can help you to better support anyone in your life that does indeed have a period. 

So, let’s get started on exploring some of my personal period rituals that have really helped me to look forward to my bleed over the years…and I hope that they may also help you to look forward to yours too…


Be your own best friend and learn how to support yourself to the best of your ability. 

This ‘comfort pack’ basically contains all the bits and pieces that will help to support and nurture you throughout your bleed. Come day 1 of your cycle, these tools are on-hand with the intention of having you feel like a goddess. 

You could have a physical, dedicated little box that actually contains all of your goodies that you can look forward to opening on day 1 of your cycle. Having all of your tools in one spot could also be a good way of keeping on top of what you may need to top up on during the month so that, come day 1 again, you are all stocked up and ready to indulge. Otherwise, if you already have a pretty good idea of what’s in your comfort pack, it’s always a good idea to remember to top up on whatever it is that you may be low on come the luteal (pre-menstrual) phase of your cycle. So, rather than having to scramble and walk around the shops during your period, the idea here is to be able to fully surrender come day 1…which requires just a little bit of organisation. 

Also, think practically. If you still go to a place of work during your bleed, for example, keep this in mind when building your comfort pack. 

There is no right or wrong here. It is not fixed or rigid. Add to it as you please and swap things out. Experiment with different items that help you to feel supported and nourished during this specific phase of your cycle. 

Over the years, my comfort pack has grown and changed…but there are definitely some essentials that form the foundation of my pack. 

What’s currently in my comfort pack: 

  • Period undies - so comfy and much more environmentally-friendly than one-time use tampons and/or pads. I spend the first 2 days of my bleed sprawling on my white linen sheets, and my period undies have been leak-proof!

  • Heat pack - heat packs are just so soothing and comforting in general; but they are also great if you experience any discomfort or cramping during your bleed.

  • Essential oils (to use alongside my massage oils for self massage and breathwork) - I love lavender, clary sage and chamomile on my period…although there are plenty more!

  • Massage oils - for me, self massage is such an integral self-care/self-love practice; and so I have some massage oil handy in my comfort pack as I especially love to practice self massage whilst I am bleeding.

  • Magnesium (topical and supplement)

  • Period-related books - For me, personally, my period is a very introspective time and I always feel so inspired and in awe of my period that I feel called to get more informed about it…which has been such an empowering journey (*tip 9 offers some of my recommendations for period-related books)

  • Treats - because it’s nice to indulge in delightful treats! Some of my favourite period treats include:

    • Dark chocolate

    • Grapes

    • Blueberries

    • Nuts

  • Herbal teas (*tip 3 shares more about specific herbal teas that can be beneficial during menstruation)

TIP: Over the years, I have committed to becoming more informed about my cycle so that I may lead a more deeply embodied and cyclical life that supports me throughout all the various phases of my cycle. I have found it really helpful to have created a ‘MENSTRUATION’ folder in my phone where I have also curated four pages dedicated to each phase of my cycle (follicular, ovulatory, luteal, menstrual). Within these pages is a shopping list for each phase. Come the luteal (pre-menstrual) phase of my cycle, I’m ready to shop for my menstrual phase as I’ve already set myself up for this particular phase (luteal) of my cycle during my ovulatory phase…which is made a whole lot easier thanks to my pre-curated lists. Because I track my cycle, I am aware of what phase I am in and, when I do a shop, I take a look at my list and see what I may need to get for the upcoming phase of my cycle. When you have done this for long enough, you tend to look at the lists less and less…because it becomes your norm. 

Whilst, initially, it may sound a little overwhelming…it’s really not! Just like me, I’m sure you also do a weekly shop for groceries. With more knowledge, my groceries lists have simply become more refined and specific to the various phases of my cycle…and yours can too! The bonus: I get in a variety of foods and my groceries are not overly-repetitive because it changes with each phase…which also means that I am getting a variety of vitamins and minerals throughout my cycle. Yay!


As they say, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world…so create a space that feels relaxing…

I have created a lifestyle for myself where I have the option to take the first two days of my period off from work…and so, for the most part, I like to retreat into my ‘womb cave/period portal’ for those couple of days….which is basically in my bed at home. I find it difficult to completely relax in a messy space that is cluttered; so I like to ensure that, leading up to my bleed, my space is tidy and one that feels luxurious and cozy. I love to indulge my senses…sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. 

A few items that help to make my space feel cozy, nurturing and luxurious are: 

  • A dedicated ‘period candle’ - for the most part, I only light this candle during my bleed…because it helps to make the occasion feel that little bit more special.

  • Fresh flowers - I love to immerse myself in, and surround myself with, beauty. I like to buy myself fresh flowers and decorate my space with them to feel even more like the goddess that I am.

  • Diffuser - I find these help to create a calming and relaxing ambience…and it’s always nice to diffuse your favourite essential oils in them to elevate your state of being.

  • ‘Sacred Menstruation’ Playlist - this is a dedicated playlist I have created specifically for my menstrual phase. I have this sensual playlist humming away in the background as I relax in my space and practice the rest of my menstrual rituals. Save my playlist here

Now, I know it is not practical for many to just take a few days off of work (although we should totally normalise this, right?!), but it’s not too much effort to tidy up your space and add some intentional objects/items to it so that, when you’re relaxing in the time you give yourself, your space feels luxurious and elevates you into a state of surrender and bliss. 


Nourish your body, for it is your temple. 

Perhaps it’s time to upgrade your apothecary…or, maybe, it’s a matter of starting to build one. There are plenty of herbs that can be super soothing and comforting during this time of your cycle, some of these include: 

  • cinnamon

  • red raspberry leaf

  • ginger

  • chamomile

  • calendula

Nowadays, there are also many companies that have made it easy for us and offer herbal tea blends specific for the menstrual phase of our cycle. 


In silence there is wisdom. 

I’m sure we all know by now, or have at least heard about, the array of benefits that meditation has to offer. Meditation is a great way to develop a deeper sense of self-awareness. I also find it such a beautiful tool to connect more deeply with the wisdom of my womb and body. Even taking just a few minutes to sit in silence with your hands over your belly is a great way to honour your bleed. 


Connection is key. 

Slowing down the breath and breathing more mindfully is a beautiful way to calm your nervous system so that you’re better able to surrender into a deep state of relaxation…which is exactly what our body may be desiring during our bleed. 

TIP: this is not only a great way to start your day during your period…but this is a great way to start your day EVERYDAY! 

This isn’t a complicated ritual, nor does it require a lot of time. It is simple yet deeply transformational when practiced with intention and mindfulness. You can do this from bed first thing in the morning. So, even if you are someone that feels a little pressed for time, this is a very simple and easy way to connect more deeply with your bleed. 


Self-care…because I’m worth it! And so are you babe!

I love to give myself a good belly rub with some massage oil and essential oils from my ‘comfort pack’. Learning how to touch, rub and massage yourself with tenderness and compassion is such a beautiful way to deepen your connection with yourself and your body. It is a beautiful practice for cultivating reverence for your body and its cycles. 

I also love to give myself a breast massage. This ancient Taoist practice can help to keep our breasts healthy, open our hearts and invite us to develop a more loving and nurturing relationship with our breasts.


  • connects you more deeply with your breasts, your heart and your body

  • can help to improve your relationship with your body

  • can help to flush your lymph system

  • increases your breasts’ capacity for pleasure; moving them from numb or sensitive to potentially orgasmic

  • cultivates devotion to yourself and your body and is such a beautiful embodiment of self love

  • helps to open the heart chakra; potentially gifting you the ability to receive more pleasure and love

  • stimulating the lymphatic tissue around our breasts can help to move tension or stagnation out of the area, helping to clear energetic blockages and, thus, helping to create space for more connection, love and pleasure

  • can also improve lactation for breastfeeding mummas


We can and deserve to have a period that is pleasurable. 

I love to indulge my senses in the delights of picking fresh flowers from my garden and tenderly caressing my skin with them…it’s the simple things. We have been conditioned to be indifferent to, resent, and/or have shame around our periods…and I believe that it is this disconnect that has bred aversion around our bleed. What we haven’t been taught is how to reclaim the power and pleasure that is inherent in our cycle and bleed. This is where WE step in. Let’s shift the narrative by creating pleasurable rituals around our bleeds and our cycles. Let’s make our periods pleasurable…even by the simplest of acts. 


Embody your body’s wisdom. 

Our body is always communicating with us, but are we listening? Are we truly responding with loving tenderness and compassion? Are we responding to our body’s desires…to slow down, to be caressed lovingly, to be moved in a way that follows the lead of our body’s wisdom? 

Intuitive movement is a beautiful embodiment practice that invites us deeper into body and out of our head. It is the practice of learning to deeply listen to our body and move in a way that honours its desires. Whether that movement be a vehicle for releasing emotional blockages, or whether it be your body’s way of cultivating more of what it would like you to integrate in a more embodied way…whether that be sensuality, devotion, slowness, pleasure, joy…give yourself permission to follow your body’s lead. 

In cultivating this practice, we can learn to trust more deeply in the wisdom of our body. 


Knowledge is wisdom.

There are so many great books and resources out there to help us become more informed on the topic of our menstrual cycle. Some of my favourites that I have read so far include: 

  • In the Flo: Alissa Vitti

  • 50 Things You Need To Know About Periods - Claire Baker

  • Period Power - Maisie Hill

  • Her Blood is Gold - Lara Owen


Gift yourself the gift of receiving. 

I have a little ritual where I book myself a monthly massage on either day 2 or 3 of my bleed…and this feels so luxurious and nourishing for me. The gift of receiving is especially profound during this phase of my cycle as I am so desiring to surrender and soften. So, it feels really good to have others support me during this time so that I can rest and replenish and, ultimately, set myself up for the rest of my cycle. Booking in for a massage is a sure way to help me look forward to my period because, I mean, who doesn’t love a massage, right? 

So whilst I practice most of these over the span of two days, these practices are also able to be condensed for those who may be a little more time-poor. The invitation is to integrate some of these rituals in a way that fits in with, and enriches, your personal schedule. 

I truly believe that learning to lead a cyclical life in which we are deeply connected with, and revere, our cycle would help to heal many of today’s period-related issues that so many sadly struggle with. Yes, it is a commitment…initially. This commitment then becomes an act of devotion to oneself…and then it becomes embodied. A way of living. A way of BEING. A return to our natural rhythms. A reclamation of our inherent power. 

**If you are just starting out on this journey, here are some super simple ways to connect more deeply with your menstruation: 

  • On the days that you bleed (or feel free to practice this any/everyday!), get up 15 minutes earlier and practice meditation, deep breathing, self massage and intuitive movement - perhaps put my playlist on in the background for some inspiration.

  • Swap out that morning coffee for a more nourishing period-specific tonic.

I have also made a YouTube video on this topic where I invite you along as I practice my period rituals in real time on day 2 of my cycle…giving you a little more insight into what all of this looks like for me. 

In joy! 

I would love for you to send me an email about what your period rituals are/which of these rituals you’re going to be integrating during your next bleed. 

Let’s stand together to normalise and celebrate menstruation!

With love and reverence, 

The Nude Blogger 



The end of an era: the termination of my YouTube channel - part 1.


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